We are just now wrapping up our time in China, I am writing from the Train on my little bunk spot-where we are about 14 hours in on the 30+ hour train ride. Woot woot!
It’s funny to say it, but long travels like these have become seemingly normal now. Though we slept the night away at the train station, i’ve ate ramen noodles for days, & will need to get off the train around 3:00 am, it’s seriously a time of rest in an unconventional way-not to forget to mention a really incredible opportunity to share the good news to people with.
This time I am at a sleeper bunk and had a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel to a new friend who had never heard the name of Jesus to what seems to be her entire life. Though we did most of this sharing through google translate-it did not stop the impact or joy on this gals face to be noticed, cared for, and given truth in love.
A huge part of the race is learning to take ownership in the fact that as a follower of Jesus, life is ministry, and ministry is life. Just because I am on a train for 30 hours and not on the streets or in a church setting, does not mean opportunities to share the good news don’t exist. To take that extra moment-or extra hour or two-to share what has changed my life so significantly-is one of the biggest privilges and honors to do so. It is my DELIGHT! & we can always share our deep convictions and beliefs in a way that brings life, honor, and shares love to that person.
Anyways, my 6 friends & I are on our way to the border of Kyrgyzstan-where we will spend the next several weeks before we travel to Kazakhstan. In our time during Kyrgyzstan, we are hoping to find housing for several days in a traditional “Yurt” tent (please look it up, they’re awesome!) with the nomadic famile’s as well as experience a horse back ride through the mountains and valley of the country side. We are so excited for this opportunity, and more updates on our time in Kyrgzstan to come soon.
It’s really nice to be able to post blogs again. It was suggested that we not blog while in China, due to the tight restrictions and security. If the thought of “what about Kailey’s experiences in China?” crossed your mind, no worries! The blogs are all now there. From my ending time in Nepal through today, I have about 9 new blogs that have not been sent out in email because I don’t want to fill up your inbox. But, if you would like, feel free to scroll through my blog page and there you will find them! There is some good stuff there, I promise π
Looking ahead:
We will be in Kyrgizthan/Kazakhstan through July and mid August. From there will will hop on a freighter and tent for two days (apparently it’s free?!) and cross the Caspian sea to get to Azerbajian. I am nothing short of stoked for this Freighter travel. From Azerbajian, we will take several days for debrief, then from there in early September we will head into the country of Georgia for Parent Vision Week!
Parent Vision week is where all guardians are invited to come and spend a week with their children living, learning, and doing life in community together aka HEY HEY HEY Mom & Dad, hope to see you there! π
That’s it for now my friend, hope all is going well with you. Only about 4 1/2 more months left of the race journey. This is pretty wild right?! While I am so excited to one day be back in the states, it seems like the race only keeps getting better and better everyday. I think this state of being is a direct affect of what has been happening on the inside of me this whole year. Free from past pain & mistakes, free from the opinion of others, free from cultural expectations. It is good, it’s real good & I am learning how to love better each and everyday. There is freedom & I am free indeed. I can’t thank God enough for this opportunity, and you also for your support & encouragement.
John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed ! ! ! π
PS: Here are a couple songs that i’m loving on this train ride. Hope you enjoy too!
Standing-Jaye Thomas
This is me-The Great Gatsby
Redemption-Switch foot