
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Hello Mate! Hope this update finds you more than well!

Each individual on the World Race team received a necklace with a key that has a specific word for each person. There is a staff member through Adventures in missions in prayer, asked God what word would be special per person. My word just happened to be “FLY” & in a random, kinda silly way, it really resonated with my spirit! I felt like I immediately knew what it meant. Keep reading to find out more.

If you could dive into my head prior to taking off for the world race, it would have been a roller coaster ride of scaries, excitements, anticipations, hesitations, confusion, and a mindset of “ready or not, here I come!”

To sum it up, I did not feel ready to embark on this journey for a variety of reasons, but here I am, & I realize this journey came just in time. God knows better than I do & man am I ever grateful.

The realization of what a life changing, & incredible opportunity this is, has left me humbled & a whole lot more intentional to not miss what God has in store right here and right now. & it’s only just begun & I feel like so much has happened already! I desire to soak up every lesson, opportunity, and revelation God has in mind for me to be part of in this year, but quite honestly I hope to have that heart posture the rest of my life! I desire to partner with what God is doing around the world in every & any way I can. I am ready for my life to be transformed & ready to do my best to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go. I am ready for crazy growth.

The learner in me is thrilled to meet new people, see new places, & discover more of God’s heart for this world. The adventurer in me, is excited for the unknown. This is good, so unbelievably good & I want to let you know I am not taking this opportunity lightly. I am ready to soak all of it in & am SO honored you are part of this journey with me too! Thank you for investing yourself into my life.

Travel update: January 12th marked the official “launch” of the world race but it wasn’t until the 16th that my team and I officially took off of this 11 month journey is to Australia, in which our travel time has been a total of 64 hours with 6 different airports. World racers are on a tight budget & will do what it takes to make it feasible for all, LOL!

We have officially landed in Australia, & the past few days here we have immersed ourselves into the culture of it all. There have been several people I have met here that I really felt like God laid on my heart to sit & talk with, in which going both ways, we were totally blessed and encouraged to meet each other! There is one gal in particular on my heart that I met down town the other day. I am hoping to grab coffee with her while I am still here in Australia & see what God may have for me to encourage her in & love on her with too because it seemed like she could really use some encouragement. Wow, I’m realizing again and again, it is so worth it & fun to follow God & do my best to love people well in whatever context it is!

Going back to the necklace idea… while I am nothing short of stoked for what is to come, I realize that in order to “FLY”(as my necklace resembles) I cannot carry unnessasary weight on the inside. This has led me to lay some stakes down on some lifestyle changes I want to be intentional about. 

With that said, here are the prayer points i’d like to share with you(Note: please bare with me it’s about to get personal up in here ;): 

Me personally: 

-To see what the God is doing & follow that to the best of my abilities

-“A Healed Mind” (Being intentional about taking my thoughts captive (2nd Corinthians 10:5) No longer to I want to have over analyzing, over thinking, & a confused mind be part of me. 

-Live out what it means to “protect my heart” & still love individuals with all I have! (Proverbs 4:23)

-Growing in self love, self respect, & self worth. Doing my best to love others well has never been a struggle for me, but treating myself, my body, my mind, my spirit with that same love, has always been difficult. However, this is another “stake” I feel that God has laid on my heart to be more intentional about. Wahooooo!!! 

-Favor & Safety along travel destinations with border crossings and customs

-Unity & sacrificial love: I desire for us to live out being the hands and feet of Jesus, wherever we go serving with integrity, humility, & honor! 

-Good health as we embark on this journey

-Logistically speaking, several team members including myself have been assigned the role of logistics coordinating which includes getting our team safely through travel days, planning debriefs, & keeping track of some budgeting. While I am nothing short of stoked for this, it is a role that takes being proactive, wisdom, & joy. We could use all the prayers and more for that 🙂

Shout out: Thanks Mom & Dad for traveling down to Atlanta, Georgia to send me off for the next year! It meant more than you know & I will never forget the love you share so generously. 

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for another blog update while in Australia 🙂

With gratitude, 

3 responses to “Just in Time”

  1. What a beautiful, heart felt update!
    Thank you! We will pray and believe for God to speak love and compassion to everyone He brings across your path. That He be lifted up and that He would draw all to Himself. Fly on God’s wind currents Jn 3:8

  2. What a beautiful, heart felt update!
    Thank you! We will pray and believe for God to speak love and compassion to everyone He brings across your path. That He be lifted up and that He would draw all to Himself. Fly on God’s wind currents Jn 3:8

  3. So excited for you kailey! Loved reading the update. Keep shining Jesus and don’t forget to FLY!