Oh my gosh, what a beautiful city this was!
With a big hint of a Russian feel to mix in with the Chinese culture, it was stunning & super fun! Though we were only here to pass through for the day, staying two nights in this city offered my 5 friends and I a really good place to rest before our 13 hour ride to Krygzstan.
In this short couple days, quite a bit still happened. I had an opportunity to make friends with some of the locals, tried a lemonade miltk tea-ate some lamb kabobs, read alot, caught up with a friend over the phone & had opportunities to share the gospel and my personal testimony to several new friends too.
There was one gal at the hostel who was interning & as I was in line waiting to take a shower-we crossed paths. I simply told her I am a Christian traveling through from America & to her delight she said something along the lines of “Oh good I have so many questions to ask you!”
Here I thought that I would be going to bed shortly, but instead there was something even better awaiting, little did I know.
So right there, while I was in line we started discussing the big theological questions this new friend had. Time started to pass by & pretty soon I noticed my spot in line went away & people were taking showers, haha! But that didn’t really matter to me, I was truly stoked to be chatting with this gal.
About a half hour went by & we decided to meet later at a japanese tea house close by-for she did not want to get into any trouble by her boss seeing that she was talking to a foreigner for too long.
Later that evening, we met & walked to the japanese tea house & engaged in some pretty amazing conversations.
She brought her Taoism book, and I brought my bible. We discussed the differences & similarities of each “religion” & she shared with me what she had been taught her entire life & what she was questioning and searching for in spirituality lately.
I did my very best to share the gospel with her (used the 3 circles drawing thanks Moran! It’s a great tool to help explain the good news in a simple-practical way!)
We talked for over two hours about questions she had & was hungry to know the answer. I told her I would do my best, but the greatest thing she could do is research it by reading the bible for herself too! I also shared with her that God is a good Father, who answers those who seek, that God loves all people & wants a living, close relationship with everyone-she only need to ask him to make it clear to her.
In this time of conversation, this gal said-“Kailey I think you are a gift from God to me today” & this left me quite humbled & honored.
Guys-it’s conversations like this that inspire me to press on & to share in love & boldness. You can be bold, and honoring & respectful at the same time. This is something that I am being challenged to grow in daily.
Other lesson learned: God can move wonders in our honest vulnerability. Lately I have been intentionally trying to work more on challenging myself to be peaceful as a dove & bold as a lion all at once. We are God’s precious lamb, but we are also called to be a lion in boldness too. With that, sometimes when it comes to sharing my faith story or sharing the good news of the gospel-there is going to be challenges within a conversation, or difficult “truth” to wrap ones mind out of-mine included. It’s one thing to believe it for yourself-it’s another thing to discuss it out loud with another person!
After having several deep conversations with new friends regarding this topic, something stirred in me to go on a prayer walk that evening & talk to the Father about all that had taken place. In this time I felt what I believe to be Holy Spirit say “Kailey-a lot of good things can happen through honest vulnerability. When you share these things you can also open up and tell that person, “you say these things not out of a place to be right and win an argument, but because you genuinely care about them like a brother or sister & desire for them to experience the same love & freedom you have experienced too”. With that, I was reminded of something: The moment we are trying to simply win and argument to win an argument is the moment we actually lose. Sharing the good news of the Gospel to me, I do, because I believe from the bottom of my heart it is the greatest gift I can share with others. I do not think it should be anything less than that.
Please join me in prayer for my new friend. She has great destiny ahead for her & is simply a gem. It was hard to say goodbye so soon, neverless I am thankful to have had the opportunity to make a new friend.
We have about another 4 hours in a car ride until we get to our destination in Kyrgzstan. I am super excited to be there! More to come soon.
Much love to you,
Love this story!! I love how you are getting so many opportunities to share your testimony and the Gospel!! Iโm sure it made an impact in her life!! I am praying she comes to a full knowledge of Christ!
Sharing your story because His Truth
It is always Him
And in
I am blessed whenever I read about your journeys. I am praying for this young lady that God will take her curiosity her questions and her seeking, and fill it with his love and his peace and his security.
Awe thanks so much friend! You are so encouraging ๐ Are you getting excited?!
Love YOU! This is true! Thank you ๐
Awe Aunt Karen! That means so much. That is my hope, that people will be encouraged. Thank you for that! In the future, I am hoping to start up a blog to inspire, I guess this is practice grounds too ๐
& yes!!! Thank you so much! She is the sweetest gal
Yes! China is on my route too, so these blog posts are really helpful!