
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Hey hey hey!

How are you, friend? Hope this email finds you well. 


We have wrapped our camino time up & are now currently on a bus headed to the southern part of spain for a few days of rest before we head to our next ministry contact in Morocco. In these few days of rest we will also check out the discipleship school connected with adventures & missions. I look forward to connecting with the students & staff there! 

Camino time is over-but the people we met along the way way will stay close to our hearts forever, no doubt. Check out my vlog above to get a quick glimpse on the terrain. 

Reflecting back on our camino time, there were several people I had an opportunity to meet along the pilgrimage, people now, near and dear to my heart. 

Here is a quick glimpse of one of the people I met along thenway, that quickly became a friend.

One day after a long hike, my friends and I arrived to the hostel. Shortly after i found myself walking to a supermarket & as i was strolling down the street, i crossed paths with a gal who immediately stood out to me. I felt as if i should introduce myself; i felt as if i needed to encourage this gal too. But in my tiredness i kept walking. In that passing moment, i said to myself in a whisper “God if you’d like me to chat with this gal i trust you will provide yet another opportunity for me to do so.” & left it at that. 

Fast forward a few hours later, i was making my way to my little bunk bed in the hostel & the very last person i ran into was that same gal i had crossed paths with earlier. 

“Hey my names kailey, i love your dreads girl, super cool!” from what i remember is how the conversation started. 

& from there it led to laughing, building each other up, connecting, and sharing a heck of a lot of stories. 

In the midst of all this i had an opportunity to tell this gal to not be afraid to chat with people, that she is a precious gift to this world not a burden and that she was totally capable of pursuing friendships too! 

I had the opportunity to tell her that she was beautiful & God has more good thoughts of her than the stars of the sky and the grains of the sand (Psalm 139)

I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her-explaining what the gospel was, for no one had told her about it before. (1st Corinthians 15:1-8) 

I had an opportunity to share with her why the Gospel is the truth, the way, the life. Why it is so significant to us today. 

I had the opportunity to share with her a story about a friend from India i made this year, coming to know Jesus & surrendering his life with complete & total JOY (Shout out to my Indian brother Rajat! Praises!) 

This gal, was encouraged, I could see it through her expression, her gratitude, & the beautiful smile on her face. & ever so gently & still boldly, God provided a wonderful opportunity to share who Jesus Christ is & what that means for us as humanity. 

I wish there had been more opportunity to chat more but I trust that God would provide more opportunities as he saw fit. May she discover more and more who she is as a daughter of the king of kings & receive revelation of the great love of Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.  

This is just one small glimpse, of what the Camino was for my friends & I. It was a wonderful time of reflection, prayer walking, engagement, & challenge. Feel free to check out my other blog by clicking HERE (Sore Feet, Happy Soul) to read more of what i felt the Lord doing personally in my heart during this time. 

Can you believe there is about 4 weeks left of this World Race journey? Parts of me are longing to be home in the states & other parts of me are yearning to make it last longer. What a year, my goodness. I rest in confidence that this investment of time with be used for the better, the rest of my life. 

It gets my teary eyed just thinking about it. Man, oh man, am I ever so thankful. 

Looking forward: 

You might be wondering whats next, right? Good question my friend. Good question. Well i can tell you this. We head into morocco early November & will stay through early December. In that time we will partner with ministry contacts & the last week will be a final debrief time for my squad. 

Immediately after Final Debrief, most people will fly back to the states. For me though, I will not be getting back, right away. I will be taking a chunk of about 2 weeks, to debrief this year by myself in Sicily, Italy. (This is also where my family roots come from, in fact I am actually staying at an air b and b on “Mattarella Street” in the very same town my great grandfather, Bopachino used to live. 

Side note: Not even kidding-it was the first air b and b housing arrangement in my budget that popped up on the website. How cool, right?! (I see you God! LOL)

In this Italy time, I plan to: 

  • Rest
  • Reflect
  • Process
  • Pray (ALOT)
  • Prepare for return to the states
  • Dream with God on future endevours
  • & provide space for solo time before  the crazy goodness of visiting loved ones in the USA

Ok, cool! But Kailey, what about after that? 

I will return to the states officially December 19 & will be spending the Holidays with friends & family. 

Early January I plan to attend something called “project search light” at the adventures in missions base in Gainesville, Georgia. Here we will participate in workshops and sessions for about a week in regards to re-entering into the states & how we can use what we’ve learned across the Globe this year, to the maximum possible from here on out. 

After Project Searchlight…the pieces are still coming together. But hopefully in the next blog or two, i can update you on that as well 🙂

Thanks for tuning in friend, i look forward to catching up with you soon! 

With lots of love sent your way,

Kailey B 

10 responses to “Adios Camino, Hello Morocco”

  1. God Bless You Kailey! It will be awesome to see you soon! Love, Uncle Tim, Aunt Lisa, Joe and Julia

  2. Love it! All people want to be encouraged and pursued. You are a great example of someone who does that out of an abundance. And Sicily! Wow so blessed. It’s crazy that in only a few weeks G squad is headed home. You’ve done beautiful things Kailey. I know God is singing praises over you from above.

  3. Aah Kailey! So beautiful to read about your journey and the way God is moving in your life! Can’t wait to hug you:)

  4. Thanks Kailey!
    Ps 139 to affirm her dignity , value and worth, and then because she now knows how much the Father, Son, and HS adore her, you then revealed in what additional way she was and is adored- Through His death and Resurrection !
    You are , have been, and will continue to stir up and exercise the gift and calling of an Evangelist ! Way to ask god for a second opportunity and to seize it!

    And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it. Mt 11:12

  5. Thank you Matt!

    You are so great! Such an encouragement to me & forever grateful that I get to have you & Kathy in my life 🙂 What awesome people you are. See you soon!

  6. Luis, this was so encouraging to read. Thank you for taking the time to write such a kind note. You are awesome.

    Hope you are doing super well. I know the team you are with is blessed above and beyond to have you with them. You have a way of encouraging the heck outta people. yet it just overflows out of you. It’s just who you are dude!

    Much love sent your way. Keep on keeping on!