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“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”

“Though [Kailey] may stumble, [Kailey] will not fall, for the Lord upholds [Kailey] with his hand” Psalm 37:24

The other day I came across this verse and I felt the Lord encourage me to place my name in each spot where a he/she would normally be. I said, ” Man, it feels like i’m falling but with the little faith I have, I’m choosing to trust that I may stumble here and there, but I will not fall with you holding me.” Yes please, I’ll take all the holding I can get! 

Transitioning out of college and into the adult world has been a wild ride. With people, places, and memories pointing every which way, it caught me by surprise with the difficulty that came in making semi-longer term decisions. Thankfully, i’ve got some incredible friends and mentors that have helped guide me into what’s in store for the next year. Here comes the news! 

I’ve made the decision to pursue an 11 month mission trip Journey called the world race starting in January of 2018. In this time a team and I will partner with local churches and communities in 11 different countries to lighten the load, encourage, and with humble hearts, grow from one another.

You might be thinking, why the world race? Or, what happened with moving to Chicago? As for Chicago, don’t worry! That will hopefully come shortly after. The timing of it all just changed a bit. As for the world race, there is something unique about changing pace and getting uncomfortable. I believe taking part in such an adventure while intentionally working to be the hands and feet of Jesus throughout each country, will teach and grow me in more ways than I could ever imagine. My heart beat is to see this world changed and it seems fitting that as I see this world, my very inner being will change as well! Quite frankly, I’m freaked out and thrilled at the same time. This is going to really stretch my comfort zone and challenge me to step out and dig deep. I am excited to see how my heart opens to trust and to believe for miracles literally all over this earth! 

I want to understand God’s great heart for this universe, people, and myself in a more tangible way than I’ve ever experienced before. I want to be humbled. I want to gain new perspective. I feel that this investment will be foundational to the rest of my life.

What countries? Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Nepal, China, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Spain, and Morocco.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear what’s going on in your life too!

With Lots of love,
Kailey B.




4 responses to “When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade”

  1. Blessings in your preparations for this life challenge Kailey. I’ll be watching how this exposure to the Kingdom of God shapes your world view and your place in it. God attend you personally on the trip.

  2. Kailey,
    I am so excited for and proud of you. God has some wonderful things He plans to show you and grow you with. Count on me as one of your prayer warriors. (Jeremiah 29:11) This was a prophecy given to Israel, but it is often used by individuals too. Hannah quoted it on her high school graduation card.

  3. Jay, thank you so much! Yes, yes, and yes! This is what my heart longs for πŸ™‚ Good to hear from you too! It means alot πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Mrs. June!

    Thank you so much for the support, encouragement, and support in prayer! It means a bunch to me, especially since we don’t see eachother all that often either! You are so great πŸ™‚ Awe Hannah! She is so cool.