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I am having such a fun time creating these new “Vlog’s”, I’ve got a feeling it’s not gonna stop! Hopefully each time, I will learn a little something more to make it a little more better. But for now, here is the raw process of a 23 year old gal having too much fun creating these videos πŸ™‚ If you like these videos, please subscribe to my channel on You tube by searching “Kailey Mattarella”. 

This “Vlog” wrap’s up our camping experience with the youth involved with an organization called “Pulse”. We are exited to partner with Pulse organization these next two weeks & set up English work shops, fun activities, share our faith stories, & love on each other well. 

We are also super stoked to do our best to encourage, refresh, & build relationships with the staff of Pulse movement & the local church. Next week I will update you with a Blog about that.

For now, enjoy! 



5 responses to “Too much Fun in Kazakhstan”

  1. SUCH a good vlog Kailey my friend! You captured the weekend so well! I was smiling the whole time. Keep ’em coming sis!

  2. I have enjoyed your videos. You have a gift. I really enjoyed the end of this when the tent my sweet daughter was putting up collapsed. Keep up the good work touching lives with the love of our Heavenly Father and His wonderful Son. Kathy Fasl

  3. Awe thank you so much Kathy! I love your daughter Anna. She is such a treasure oh my goodness πŸ™‚ excited to meet you officially in person soon!