My OH My!
Hey there!!!
How is it October already, that I do not know! It feels like October has felt years and years away and now its here. What does this mean for the little life of Kailey? It means that in about 12 Weeks I will be taking off for about a year, traveling the World to be a helping hand in whatever way possible, learning, growing, becoming a better global citizen, and my biggest hope yet is to grow more into the likeness of Jesus. Ah and it is only by GRACE that I can do all these things.
Lately I’ve been thinking about how at the end of the day, what TRULY matters to me is my heart posture towards Jesus. I believe God knows my every thought good, bad, selfish, not selfish, etc. I know, that I know that I cannot be the Kailey I want to be without a father of the light who guides me. So, my prayer lately has been to understand the fathers love for me in such tangible ways. Simply going to the grocery store, going for a walk, or at work, I am being intentional about connecting there, here, and anywhere, and it has been really cool! With the busyness of life I’ve been working on setting aside a 1/2 hour of my morning before I start the full day, to just sit, be still & listen for God’s voice, read, journal, or play the guitar. That has been really cool & good for my heart my friend!
Still, I think to myself more often than not, this life is sooooo weird, interesting, seemingly unfair, broken, yet beautiful too! I came across a song the other day with a title that said “life is what you make it” and in that moment I talked back to the music and said “no it’s really not that simple!” As I grow my eyes are opened more and more to the injustices of this world. I have become aware that more often than not, people have or currently experience trauma in their lives & that is not anything to take lightly! I am grateful to be learning & growing to understand these injustices, but never want to loose sight of the cross either! I just pray that God will continue to grow me into a Woman whose heart is after the heart of Jesus, & with that living a life the word and action to spread love without limits. & I believe that in my heart my short life of 22 years is just the beginning! Here I am God, change me, mold me, heal me into one who loves!
“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” Psalm 27:4
I was in Minnesota for a dinner fundraiser for the World Race and to simply visit family and friends too. To say it was a gift is a understatement. I was able to spend time with 2 of my favorite people (Shout out to Phil and Sherie!) (who have graciously hosted me in their house 2 summers in a row) I saw great friends, spent much needed time with some of my favorite little kiddos and I also was able to raise, close to a $1,000 in that time. WHAT! This blew my mind by the generosity of a few great families and several incredible friends. On the way back from MN I flew into Chicago and was able to stop by Church in the City (a home church for me in Chicago) and my heart was SO blessed to see familiar faces and worship together.
I also traveled up to Traverse City for a quick trip to visit family and came back with a sleeping bag, tent, and hiking pack! My Aunt and Uncle reached out and SO very generously purchased several big Travel equipment items. My heart was overwhelmed with the generosity and I continue to be dumfounded by the financial gifts received so far.
I am still working 2 jobs. Part time at Bethany Christian Services in Grand Rapids and part time at a local sushi restaurant in down town Holland. Besides work, I am planning 2 more fundraisers in Holland MI and enjoying the beginning of Fall with friends. In November there will be a roller skate night fundraiser and in November I will be having a shopping day fundraiser at a really cute home decoration store in Down Town Holland. For the Roller skate night, anyone and everyone is invited and the admission is $5 a person. $3 of those dollars will go towards the world race trip (so you know I will be inviting MANY to this event :)) The shopping day is just that. Anyone who purchases from this store on the day of the fundraiser, the proceeds will go directly towards my missions fund. For these events, I am SO excited π it should be a good time!
Coming up…
October 8th: I am running the Chicago Marathon October 8th with a really dear friend of mine named Vic! We will be partnering with team world vision, the organizations mission is to bring clean water to Children and families in third world countries, and so much more!
October 18-28th: I am going to training Camp in Atlanta GA for the World Race! Here we will be camping out, “practicing what it is going to be like once we launch in January around the world. I am looking forward to meeting the team!
Financial Goal Update…
I am still currently in need of a little over $3,500. This is to finish up travel equipment, emergency money, and portions of the travel, food, and occasional housing. No pressure what-so-ever- but would you consider donating towards this journey? Sometimes I really do wish money grew off of trees, but I am learning that people DO like to share resources and partner with each other so there is no shame in reaching out to ask right? π I just don’t want you to ever feel pressure to do so, please don’t feel obligated, only if it’s on your HEART! π
If you are interested in donating towards this journey please visit
You can also send a check in the mail to the address of 4763 64th Street Holland MI, 49423
Until next time, friend!
With Love,
Kailey b.
P.S. If you have donated already, thank you SO much Again! Come December, there will be a little somethin, somethin, sent your way as a thank you!