As I write this blog, I feel as if I could explode of joy. Reflecting on where I have been and where I am now on a mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional level brings me to tears and almost to my knees of gratitude.
There are so many individuals in this world who have chosen to believe in me despite any flaw, lack of confidence, or belief in myself throughout this life, yet there are people like you who stood by my side in some capacity-in which has propelled me to keep on keeping on and to fight the good fight. I thank you for that in advance if I haven’t already. Today I am writing to you about two very special people in my life. Two people that I did not know until I joined in on the world race journey.
These two people are named Matt & Kathy. They are some of my favorites & after reading this, I think you will know why.
& here my explanation begins.
A really unique part of this World Race journey is that from training camp to the end of the 11 months, each “squad” is assigned Coaches which is usually a husband and a wife who invest much of their time in pouring into every individual on the squad. Let me explain in detail a little bit more of what this looks like:
We meet our assigned coaches at training camp. They are there all week to encourage us, to pray for us, and to help equip us for the field. My coaches are one of a kind. I had the privilege and honor to meet them at training camp-in which each of them prayed over me separate times & what they encouraged and spoke over me with was nothing but love, honor, dignity, and respect. Though they did not know me super well yet, it is evident Holy spirit spoke through them directly to my heart in that time.
At launch of the race, the coaches are there to cheer us on & love on us too!
During the race just about weekly or every other week we are in touch to some capacity. Whether it be emails, phone calls, or actual visits on the field, the coaches make themselves available to all of us, providing love, support, encouragemetn, prayer, and guidance.
About every 3 months, our coaches fly out to whatever country we are headed to & stay for about a week in effort to be there in person, & simply love on us through teaching, one on one coffee meetings, and community.
Recently, we just finished up our squads second debrief time. This lasted about a week & the coaches were there to love on & pour into us.
I had an incredible time with Matt & Kathy, felt loved, supported, challenged, and encouraged.
To my great surprise & delight, I found out that one of the coaches, Matt, chose to travel with the squad through part of China after debrief time in Nepal was over. Out of the 5 teams, my team was gifted to have him travel with us to the northern part of China.
When I found this out, my heart just about leaped with Joy! Matt is a father to many, one who walks in Joy & humility. He represents a childlike faith & though he has walked quite a few more miles than most of us, he carries a willingness to learn from anyone, no matter the age gap.
I personally felt encouraged, inspired, challenged, and filled with Joy having Matt around. To have an adult figure that models how to see the one in front of us, to love on that stranger, to stop to notice the beauty in the simple things-is a rare gift.
He modeles to have no fear of man but to simply trust God & be bold all for the sake of love.
This is just a small glimpse of one of the many good aspects of doing something like the World Race. I now have two wonderful mentors of mine, that I know will be here to support other racers and myself far beyond after this journey ends.
I think about it & realize how awesome it is for this married couple Matt & Kathy to not only invest into their own children’s lives, but now pursue investing for many, many spiritual sons & daughters.
Matt & Kathy are the real deal. & I thank our Heavenly Father for them.
& to you too. Thank you for being you. Thank you to all my friends, mentors, mom, dad, and spiritual mother & fathers too. You guys amaze me.
& now here is my challenge to you: Who are you thankful for today? Have you told them that lately? Gratitude can go along ways. I encourage you to tell them, soon ๐
There you have it my friend. Thanks for tuning again. More updates coming your way soon.
Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
With gratitude,
nothing, zero, zilch, notta, except THANKYOU ๐
What a comfort that was for me when I saw Matt sitting beside you on the bus tour!! It truly brought joy, comfort, and peace to my heart immediately!! What a blessing your coaches have been!! Praise God for the wonderful people you are meeting!! Love you Special K!!
Hahahaha THANK YOU TO YOU! See you & Kathy SOON! ๐
Awe momma. You are the sweetest. I love you! See you soon
Such kind words! Thank you Kailey! Itโs a privilege to walk along side you and expedition in this season!