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Hi there my friend!

I have something so exciting to share with you today. It makes my heart want to jump. It brings tear to my eyes. It fills me with a deep joy within. It brings this undeniable passion to keep sharing Love to this world. It is about a dear friend of mine, & now Brother in Christ that I met while traveling through India.

With his permission, he allowed me to share a piece of his story, in the hopes that it would encourage you as much as it has I. This man’s life was changed about 18 days ago. Through a couple hours of conversation, a humble heart, and a whole lot of the presence of Jesus, this friend of mine started a new faith journey, a journey of pursuing God, the good good Father, with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength.

I am beyond honored to meet this man, let alone share in such a special time of his life as this. I have learned so much from his humility, pure heart posture, and excitement for knowing God through the person of Jesus Christ. I am delighted to be his friend & I hope you too will be encouraged as you hear a bit about his story too. 

Are you ready for this? Brace yourself. It is too good!

About 2 weeks ago I found myself in India, sitting in the hallway outside of the hostel my friends & I were staying at, around 11:30 PM. I was having trouble going to bed, because my spirit has been so EXCITED to simply spend time with God. Lately, it’s felt uncontainable, as if I could explode of JOY!

That very night, as a friend of mine sat close by, I whipped out my bible & journal & said under my breath “God, what do you have for me tonight? I just want to step into what you are already doing. I am just so excited to spend time with you”

Within 30 seconds, a man (now my friend) walked by & asked for a cigarette. I said, “no I do not have a cigarette, but are you ok?” He paused, then said “yes I am okay”. & something within me was compelled to ask one more time “No, like are you okay?”

Shortly after, this man sat down & shared honestly & vulnerably how he had been feeling. A bit lost, hurt, conflicted, and confused were some of the emotions & state of being’s he felt. This new friend of mine & myself agreed, he himself was running away from hurt & confliction, but unsure of what he was running to in that time. 

Earlier that day, I had just been reading over some scriptures in the bible of a story about a son being lost & finding his way back home to his father. My friend & I that night were able to share this story with him and also had the opportunity to share the gospel as well as our life testimonies of victory & redemption through Jesus Christ. I had the privilege to humbly share what I knew about the bible, what the purpose of the bible is, the story of creation, and who Jesus is, all in that time. This was one of the most meaningful conversations I’ve had in my entire life.

For several hours that night, we chatted about life, we connected on a deeper level, we grieved over the brokenness in this world, we laughed over silly things, we read through scriptures, we shared stories, & we prayed for the love of Jesus to invade.

This friend of mine was SO hungry to know truth rooted in LOVE. 

After a couple hours, eyes were getting sleepy, it was time for us to go to bed, so that is what we did. To my joy, I saw my new friend in the morning & asked how his sleep was. He expressed that he did not sleep very much because he was also up reading the psalms in the bible that he had decided to download on his phone & really enjoyed what he had been reading.

He went on to ask if we could get together to learn more about Jesus & the Bible. 

So that is what we did πŸ™‚

That morning in a cafe as we read stories of Jesus through the gospels my new friend & I were getting so excited about the goodness of God. My new friend expressed things like “This is true, this is amazing! The world needs to hear about this Jesus & this God!”

My new friend had to leave after our time together reading through the bible, but his hunger for truth rooted in love did not stop there. He left to go back home, to do his best to reconcile with loved ones, but this time knowing that there was a good good heavenly Father, with him, wherever his feet went. What a beautiful heart posture & courage he had! 

The next day I received a text message from my friend saying that he signed up for a bible class in his hometown & that he was looking forward to learning more about the Holy God of this faith.

This delighted my heart!

After several days of exchanging different bible verses we were coming across, and doing my best to answer any questions he had about the theology and context of the bible, I received yet another text that made my heart almost explode at the wonders of God!

I received a text from my friend that said “Omg Christ is real”

Upon seeing this, I excitedly gave him a call & learned that earlier in the day, this friend of mine experienced a life changing encounter, where he believes to have heard the audible voice of God.

My friend explained that after a difficult phone call, he felt compelled to get on his knees & pray. As he kneeled down to pray, he stated something along the lines of “Lord Jesus my savior, Hallow be thy name, I don’t know what to say to you, but please speak I want to hear you”. What a beautiful prayer to God, right?!

& in that moment as he was on his knees, he believes that he heard an audible voice say something along the lines of “Stand up, you are my son, you are forgiven, and I am in you”.

He went on to say that after he stood up, he looked at his watch & when he thought it had only be 5 minutes of passing time, it had actually been an hour and 15 minutes. He was puzzled on how that happened, and how time went by so quickly. He was also puzzled on what that encounter was & how it lasted that long, but also very joy filled & amazed. This friend of mine was undone in the presence of God, time flew by! He expressed that he felt assured that God was with him & from now on, he is never alone.

You can imagine our texting conversations and occasional phone calls have been a total blast. I have learned so much simply by watching my brother in Christ pursue to know the truths of God in a deeper way. It has inspired me to press into more of God’s heart for myself & all humanity.

This friend of mine is truly set ablaze for the Kingdom of Heaven. His hunger to know Jesus more, has inspired me beyond measure. I have a great feeling that God is rejoicing, just as He has done with all of us who come home to His arms.

There are several other wonderful miraculous signs that have happened in the past 2 weeks in my friend’s life, and God has also given him an incredible gift in writing. I believe his writings will be used to spread the love of Jesus to many.

Last, but not least, here is a clip of a text message I recieved from my friend about one week ago-I couldn’t help but share.

He said, “I’m so blessed that i’m reading what God has spoken though people over here make fun of what I do cause they are extreme Hindu’s, which is not bad but they are simply rejecting the beautiful words spoken by the God himself. I’m not ashamed of what I’m doing but rather I’m contended that God chose me via you so that I can read, understand, and touch the lives of those who craves Him. I do not know what the future lies ahead of me but I know that the thread of my life is in the hand of our Holy Father. The more I read it seems like the more I should understand. I’m getting this addiction towards Jesus and his teachings that I want to follow & tell people what i’m learning….Kailey thank you. I do not know how many times I should thank you but you’ve brought a lost man to a right path. Thank you sweet sister may you achieve what you intend in your heart”

What a man of COURAGE! & what an amazing God that exists!

I’m learning more and more, if we make ourselves available, God will move mightily through us on other’s behalf. When we ask God to “lengthen our spiritual shadow’s so that others may feel the presence of Jesus when nearby”, He truly answers! It is the greatest honor & privilege to share this love to my fellow brothers & sisters of this world. Redemption is truly the most beautiful thing.

Already, this friend of mine has introduced his client/customers to worship music & the love of Jesus. He is making himself available, & God is on the move to touch the lives of others all around with Love. WOW!

I am reminded of several stories from the bible that have parallels to New life in following Jesus.

There is a story about a particular man named Nicodemus in the bible, found in the book of John. Nicodemus sought Jesus out one evening to inquire more about teaching him the ways of God. Jesus went on to say that God has in mind for us to be “Born again”. Jesus goes on to explain, that all of humanity has an opportunity to be born again not of a physical rebirth, but of a new spiritual life. This new spiritual life would revolutionize the way we speak, think, act, and worship. This new spiritual life would be to abide in the love of the heavenly father, and to allow the Holy spirit to empower us to find “Home” in that Love as well as to pursue the great commission the rest of our lives. In the same story of Jesus chatting with Nicodemus about this, John 3:16 say’s: for this is how God loved the world. He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His son into the world, not to judge the world but to save the world through him. Jesus shared this with Nicodemus, another brother in this world, the same message for humanity today too.

My friend’s life story & many others including myself, can also relate to the story in the bible of a lost son that comes home to His father. In Luke Chapter 15, starting in verse 20 it says, “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began.

Rejoicing is a real thing. I love how this story of the lost son is applicable today, finding home through coming home to the Heavenly Father.

I hope this story of my friend from India has inspired you as much as it has me. Please, give him a shout out with a comment below, it would be such an encouragement to him!

Coming up in the next blog post, will hopefully be one of my friend’s new writings as he continues to discover the mighty love of our heavenly Father. I’ve had an opportunity to read a little bit of his writings, & my good gosh, it is incredible! This guy is a world changer, & he is unstoppable with the love of Jesus indwelling within Him now & forever more.

Psalms 18:6: In my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.

Please partner with me by rejoicing to God for this man’s life & praying for continued revelation, joy, peace, rest, & safety in the arms of the Father. I promise you, these prayers will be a wonderful investment to sow into.

Thank you for tuning in & we will connect here again, soon enough πŸ™‚

With deep appreciation,

8 responses to “Home”

  1. That is so awesome Kailey. We love to hear stories of Jesus encounters. He is so amazing. What a privilege to serve the living God. Bless you, Blaine and Glenna

  2. Praise God for your new friend from India. God certainly has a purpose and plan for him, and he is hearing His Voice!! Your friend is going to do GREAT things in the name of Jesus. What a blessing for you that you were able to be a vessel to communicate His Love to your new friend. Love you Special K πŸ™‚

  3. I love hearing of your excitement to talk to others about our Lord. He is using you mightily and I know you feel honored. Thank you for telling us about your journeys. It inspires all of us and challenges us on our walk. Sending my love and prayers – “Aunt” Karen

    This is all so amazing!! I’m so blessed to hear about your friend and how he received the redeeming love of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!
    I am and will keep praying- the Lord is at work in and through you both!!
    I’m also praying up the full armor of God upon you both and all those with you!!

    The Lord’s plans are so much BIGGER than our human minds can understand. Yet, all we have to do is simply say “here I am Lord, use me.” And look out!! He is righteous and holy and so much more!!

    Keep fighting the good fight with love in your heart, and with His Word the Bible to guide you both. ??????

  5. This is so good! Kailey your pursuit of others through the love of our Father is beautiful! Keep loving like Him.
    A message to my new brother, it was not by coincidence you me Kailey. God has had His heart on you since the beginning of time. You are His son and through Him there is nothing you cannot do. Love you brother I’ll be praying for you.

  6. I got the goosebumps reading that story. What a powerful experience and proof that God is alive and working through people, you in this case! Thanks so much for sharing Kailey and thank your friend for allowing it to be shared.