Hey Friend!
Wow-where to even begin?!
This week has been one of the busiest weeks of my life-but also one filled with the Peace of Heaven-I am convinced! It’s funny how prayers are answered faster than we expect sometimes. In the past two weeks-I’ve been asking the Lord for myself & others to experience more of the peace from Heaven-peace that is the character of our heavenly father-& my good gosh-I have been experiencing it in deeper ways then ever before. Super thankful & declaring that this is a new state of being-for the long run π
Let me catch you up on some logistic details that have happened in the past week:
I am in Nepal-& was teaching for one week, as my last blog “growing”: goes more in depth with that.
Earlier this week, I traveled into a different location of Nepal with a friend of mine in effort to help plan for about a 5 day event for my squad called Debrief. The bus ride was an adventure for sure! Never less-we eventually made it to the city-tired and ready for bed but full of joy.
This recent past week has been filled with meetings, planning, helping where needed, announcements, worship, teaching, breakthrough within many friends including myself, and logistics, logistics, logistics, in effort to help make the Debrief week a success!
While debrief time is meant to me a time of process, reflection, teaching, refreshment, and equipping for what’s next, Debrief as a logistics coordinator is a little different from the experience most the squad has. “Debrief” time is when a logistics coordinator role becomes a big part of serving the squad. That is our “go time” to get creative in how to love our friends well logistically π
Logistics coordinators are in charge of booking the spaces for lodging, meeting rooms, transportation & food money for the squad, coaches, & mentor as well as more behind the scene stuff. It’s really special because we get to pray into & dream up with God the impossible. Things like asking hotels for $7 per person rooms even when their standard hotel price is $30. Or like getting good deals on a desert or treat everyone would appreciate! God provides so much favor in these times & it is really fun to experience amidst it all.
Also- things like daily meetings, lots of prayer, tasks, & logistical planning takes place. It is fun & growing all at once. It is time consuming, but such a cool opportunity to love on brothers & sisters within & outside the squad too.
Is it quite a bit of responsibility? You betcha! Do I enjoy it? 97% of the time, yes. I enjoy this role deeply, mainly because it’s an opportunity to serve my friends, my mentor & coaches, & also provides great opportunity to love on the hosts I come into contact with amidst the planning.
Often times-I see these people like “hotel receptionist, drivers, cooks, etc” be overlooked-& I believe God has given me a heart to do my best to love them well. It brings much joy to try & think of intentional ways to honor them & share the love of Jesus through word & action to those we cross paths within this position.
Side note…another reason why I appreciate the role of logistics is that I an privileged to get to know our squad’s coaches Matt & Kathy more & Stephanie our mentor more. By doing my best to serve them logistically with my co logistic teammates- we have a special opportunity to dive into more time & relationship with them. They are so great! & also pictured above.
OH! ALSO! Within the Debrief week-I turned 23!
June 5th, 2018 was a good day. This birthday was such a treat. I’m gonna share with you what the day entailed, it can provide you a good picture of this squad I am on, & how intentional & loving they are.
-Around 7:00 I woke up & decided to go a coffee shop & buy a mocha frappe (This is a rare treat for me!)
-Around 8:30 To my surprise-a friend who saw me there at the coffee shop payed for my drink without even knowing until I went to pay at the counter. How SWEET & SNEAKY!
-Around 11:00 I found several kind birthday notes from friends on my bed with kit kats and other chocolates-my favorite! One friend surprised me coconut water too, my favorite!
-Around 12 I went with 2 dear friends to a Korean Resturant & got one of my favorite meals, hot stone Bipimbop. YUM! & my mom & dad insisted that they pay for my friends & I as a birthday gift.
-Around 2 I went with several awesome friends, to a garden that was stunning. They would not let me pay! We sat & chatted & talked about a lot of good stuff. We walked around & explored too.
-Around 4 my friend gave me a surprise, hour long back massage. What the heck?! I felt like a new person after that.
-Around 6 I went with my current team to a Mexican Resturant nearby-& ate some really good Nachos. My mom & dad also insisted they pay for that meal to in effort to bless me & my friends. It literally brought tears to my eyes!
-Around 7 my squad & I met at a beautiful rooftop space to worship & play some fun & games. Before we got started with worship-they all sang happy birthday & made me stand up & feel silly LOL!
-All throughout the day I was blessed with candies, chips, notes, & hugs from loved ones. All of these things were such nice surprises.
-Then to top it off-my mom & dad also surprised me by putting money in my account to go fly over Mt. Everest. I had no idea they wanted to do that for me! & flying over everest, was one of the most surreal experiences I’ve had in my life so far. I might just have to blog more about it next.
Thank you to those who made that day SO special to me. The experience & feeling of being loved by you guys was tangible for sure. & shout out to mom & dad-you guys seriously amaze me & leave me speechless with your generosity. I can hardly wait to see you in a few months in Georgia!
Looking into the future:
Our squad wrapped debrief week just hours ago & will be leaving at 3:30 am to start a 6+ day bus tour in the China Province. I am so stoked & tired at the same time! Haha! But God is SO good amidst it all. Prayers for travel, wisdom, & strength is so much appreciated.
Also, just a heads up: China will probably be a bit more difficult to communicate due to Wifi situations, precautions, & travel. I will do my best to blog at least weekly-but if I go MIA for a little bit-don’t worry! I will be back soon enough & have not forgotten about you π & I will be sure to catch you up on the highlights through blogs in the future.
Thanks for tuning in! You are so awesome-don’t forget it.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. -John 14:27
Happy belated birthday Kailey!!
So glad your birthday rocked!!
Super proud of you juggling your logistics role so well– with lots of trust and surrender!!
May God go before you in your need while you travel to and through China and may His protection and blessing be with you all.
Great to see your growth with God. Congratulations on a fabulous birthday. Keep growing.
Love you so much Kailey!! Praying for safe travels for your team as you enter a new country!!
Wow, Happy 23rd Birthday! What a memorable day. Now that’s a birthday you’ll never forget. Thanks so much for sharing your adventures with us. I’m thankful for your updates! Love hearing how God is moving in your heart and touching others. Praying for favor and safety as you travel in China.